People don’t like Mondays. And all for different reasons. Someone doesn’t want to go to kindergarten. Someone is expecting a test on hated biology, why is it again?!?! Starting on Monday, people begin to lose weight, quit smoking, run and count kilometers (I wonder if someone became happier by running more? Not less kg, but more happiness?). The working week begins on Monday, which pleases only those who love their work (have you met many of them personally?). I’m not even talking about unplanned events, like a spilled coffee or a beautiful, as it seemed on Sunday, prince melted into the fog. Well, what are we going to do? My recipe is ripe, write it down. Losing weight, running, smoking, quitting and starting is not necessary. We brew new coffee, pour it into the best cup, and work quickly and smartly. And beautifully, that means wearing brooches! It is necessary! And for a greater effect, a cumulative one, there should be several brooches. And, of course, every Monday to collect a new composition. Solid profit! Both stomping to the kindergarten and to the office became more fun. That’s when Mondays will start to please! And, at the same time, kgs and cigarettes will also go away, because there will be no time to chew and smoke …