
To wear or not to wear?

To wear or not to wear?

The collection of brooches is a demanding thing. It is one thing to find, receive, store, find information. It’s interesting, very educational and develops a lot of skills. Here, at least the ability to fit numerous boxes into the interior, not to mention the ability to quickly find the desired item in them) Wearing your […]

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Harmful illusions

Harmful illusions

I am absolutely convinced that nourishing of illusions is not only harmful, but also dangerous. Well, for example, the idea that graceful women can eat whatever and not think about it . One hundred friends, near and far, will sing in chorus the sacramental “You are thin, you can do it.” Well, now, crowds of

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Sunday evening

Sunday evening

Sunday evening is great for flowers. And for flower brooches. And especially for dress clips-flowers! Well, if a flower is held by such a hand – then that’s it, the evening can be considered a success! Enjoy your evening with flowers, even if they’re in pots. Because the main thing here is what for dinner))

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